Friday, April 02, 2004

Women only!! coz it's all about women...

**When women are quiet,
Millions of things are running in their mind,

When women are not aguing,
They are thinking deeply,

When women look at you with eyes full of
They are wondering how long you will be around,

When women answer "I'm fine" after a few seconds,
They are not at all fine,

When women stare at you,
They are wondering why are you lying,

When women lay on your chest,
They are wishing for you to be theirs' forever,

When women call you everyday,
They are seeking for your attention,

When women want you everyday,
They want to be pampered,

When women sms you everyday,
They want you to reply at least once,

When women say "I love you",
They mean it,

When women say that they can't live without you,
They have made up their mind that you are their

When women say "I miss you",
No one in this world can miss you more than that

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