Friday, May 28, 2004

All about...the PRidE~

We went out today.First of all...pergi Kotaraya. Target utama membeli vcd jpon.What the story... Have you heard 'Pride'? A brand new japan series drama in market.hehehe~ The hero must be 'TAKIM' [Takuya Kimura]. Untuk sesiapa yang japan series drama maniac or... Takuya Kimura big fan... I'm advising you to watch it!Don't miss it!Wahaha~ promote nih...Best giler~ 1-10/10 aku boleh bagi...U'll never regret it....[PRIDE] Talking about buying cds,japan's specifically...Nuha is the supporter.Kebanyakan cerita-cerita yang ada, dia punyala.Aku sentiasa kopak...mana mampu.hehehe~

Then, next place we went was The Book Fair at PWTC.... I dunno, I kinda excited...Apparently,kebanyakan buku seperti tidak berapa berkait dengan aku.I'm only interested on the novels [Alaf 21 Publ.] and IMPIANA magzine [Karangkraf Publ.]. Sempat aku grab 4 pieces of them... Suddenly while linger around there, somebody shouted my name..oh, Kak Sarah (my studiomate) rupanya. I saw her waring the tag.I see, she is incharged one of the stall..The boss of her friend's company...She is helping them.Good for her...thanx for 'Yassin' you gave. After a while there,we decided to go back...and suddenly,"Is that Ipang?" ...and, "Yeah,he is!". Huhuhu~ Ipang balik dr kerja (praktikal), hujan lebat dekat luar dia kata (Ipang naik motor)....kena tunggu hujan reda la ni?? Lebat giler hujan hari ni~ berjam-jam menunggu hujan reda.Singgah sembahyang asar kejap.Itu pun hujan belum betul-betul reda.Terpaksa jugala meredah hujan, sebab hari pun dah nak maghrib (Ayoh awal-awal lagi dah pesan balik sebelum maghrib)..tapi, apa nak buat...kerana keterpaksa bangat~

***We are the iceman...we have to win!win!win!win!...sting scorpion...go!
**11 is the number...but,9 is still the number-Satonaka Haru.

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