Monday, July 03, 2006

Old school Fwens~ muahxxx

Last week i hangout with some old school friends which are 'best-tak-hengat'. We had it at Time Square...again?? ( last pegi dgn members of RRC, igt nak post entry on that day, but pict Ain dok bui lagi, tunggu deh??) .Eventually, fecky had 2 nights living at nearby hotel, in front of Time square itself). The people who make it on that day was Fecky, Fulana, Affaf and me (++ sorg member Fecky). Motif asal adalah untuk bermain di Cosmo World, akan tetapi, disebabkan kelewatan masing-masing, menyebabkan masa yang ada agak terhad kalau nak main sepuas-puasnya.So, our activity was... round and round and round the place...and we have fun!!