Sunday, July 26, 2009

i can't sleep

Me, still awake at 5.15 a.m..

Starting yesterday, exploring sketchup script-ruby script.. pretty impresive. Almost 2 thn..sepanjang sy menggunakan appl. sketchup ni, br saya sedar akan kepentingan script ni dlm sketchup. Bertapa bergunanya ia dlm kerja-kerja sy. Thank god that i am not that too late to know.. well u can google it at youtube ( author by go-2-school).. i'm start to lovin it.hehe

Oh yes.. fakhriah's wed yesterday.. very gorgeous la.. itu la yg dpt digambrkan... tiba agak lewat, sbb mengaggap kedatangan pengantin dlm 2.30 but i was wrong.. tiba sahaja, pengantin dah menyantap..tak sempat tgok diorg berarak.. oh i jus bump to see arafah (with her siblings) and fairin.miss u both. :) Budak-budak lain yang dikenali x terjumpa pula kan.. sempat juga captured a few pics.. Nuha thanks temankan td.

Got home-made steamboat for dinner to the fullest..hurm

1 comment:


cant sleep?..huh, mama sketch up ni mmg la..tolong i wat soho.lucky! pool deck no need sketch up dwg.yey!!